The programs we are involved in you may recognize and some may surprise you.
San Antonio Fiesta
We are on the front line at our annual church fiesta, working in all aspects of the event. In almost every booth or event you will find a Knight working. From set-up to tear down we are there.
Lenten Friday Fish Fries
For the six Lenten Season Fridays before Good Friday, we offer an old-fashioned Church wide Fish Fry. We have a great time putting these on while raising money for charities in the process.
General Council Meeting
Council #9195 meets at San Antonio Church on the first Wednesday of each month at 6:00 pm in Glynn Hall. Guests are welcome to attend. Pre-meeting Rosary will be in the chapel at 5:45.
Monthly Officers Meeting
Our Council #9195 Monthly Officers meetings are held on the third Tuesday of each month in Glynn Hall, San Antonio Church at 7:00 pm. All Brothers are invited and encouraged to attend.
Quarterly Blood Drive
Each quarter the Knights of Columbus host a Blood Drive for the Red Cross. We consistently meet our goals and have made new friends in the process.
Recycle Saturday
The first Saturday of every month is Recycle Saturday from 8:00 to 10:00 am in San Antonio’s south parking lot. Start saving your CRV beverage containers and we may have some donuts to share.
Burrito Sunday
We make and sell burritos after the 8:30 and 10:00 masses on the first Sunday of each month. Grab yourself some burritos or let us know if you want to help out!
Hospitality Sunday
The first Sunday of each month the San Antonio hospitality role at the 10:00am Mass is assigned to KofC Council #9195. We welcome parish members at the door as they enter the Church and as they leave following completion of Mass. We’re always looking for Brothers to help out. Contact SK Mark Thornburg PGK to participate in Hospitality Sunday.
Annual Golf Tournament
Each October we put on and host our annual golf tournament. Besides raising money for our charities, brothers and guests gather for a day of fun, light competition and comradery.
Day of Sharing
In April we work diligently at a Day of Sharing/festival for the mentally challenged children of Orange County,
Community Outreach
We work diligently at several outreach programs. We especially enjoy projects requested by our pastor. You will also see us working at Thomas House, Mary’s Path, Patriot and Paws, Isaiah House and Camp Pendelton. All these are organizations to assist the homeless, right to life homes, the needy, the woman & children without a home to live in. Through the church, we anonymously help parishioners who may have fallen on hard times. These are only a sampling of what we do for your community.
1 General Meeting 3 First Friday Adoration 4 Recycle Saturday 5 Hospitality Sunday 5 Breakfast Burrito Sunday 12 Mother’s Day 21 Officers Meeting 27 Memorial Day
31 Dinner with the Beatles
1 Recycle Saturday 2 Hospitality Sunday 2 Burrito Sunday 5 General Meeting 7 First Friday Adoration 13 St. Anthony de Padua Mass 16 Father’s Day 18 Officers Meeting